Park Grove Meeting Room, Park Grove Library
AARP Free Tax Assistance
Park Grove Meeting Room, Park Grove LibraryMeet with a volunteer AARP Tax Aide at Park Grove Library who will help you prepare your income taxes for 2023 free of charge on Mondays through April 15. A limited number of spaces are available. You'll need to bring all of your financial documentation with you (W2s, 1099s, etc.). Each appointment is expected to […]
Blazing Needles
Park Grove Meeting Room, Park Grove LibraryDo you have a needlework project you are working on? Join fellow enthusiasts at Park Grove Library on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. for camaraderie, inspiration, and ideas. Bring your own project supplies. Come and go as you wish. Join the fun!
Teen Open Gaming
Park Grove Meeting Room, Park Grove LibraryTeens are welcome to come play an assortment of video games, such as Mario Kart and Smash Bros, at Park Grove Library. Don't want to play video games, but still want to come socialize? That's ok! A variety of board games will also be available to play. Registration not required. Ages 12-18.
Intergenerational Game Night
Park Grove Meeting Room, Park Grove LibraryCalling all board gamers ages 6-96 ! Come to the library and enjoy our vast array of new games. We've got games ranging from classics (Yahtzee and Chess) to Cooperative (Hues and Clues, Forbidden Island, Dixit, We're Doomed) to Strategy (Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride) and more! This program will run every third Tuesday night from […]
Let’s Make Stuff! Decorate a Shadowbox
Park Grove Meeting Room, Park Grove LibraryJoin us for Let's Make Stuff! to get crafty and learn something new. In this class at Park Grove Library participants will beautify a small shadowbox with paint or collage materials. Bring your finished masterpiece home to display your treasures and photos! Let's Make Stuff is a creative class for adults. Each class will feature […]
Baby Storytime
Park Grove Meeting Room, Park Grove LibraryJoin us in singing, talking, reading, writing, and playing at this inclusive, lapsit storytime for families with ages 0-3 at Park Grove Library. This is a time for you and your baby to bond with one another through early literacy activities. It's also an opportunity for you to meet new friends in a welcoming environment. […]
On Our Quilt Time
Park Grove Meeting Room, Park Grove LibraryDo you have a quilting project you are working on? Join fellow quilters at Park Grove Library on Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. for camaraderie, inspiration, and ideas. Bring your own sewing machine and project supplies. Come and go as needed. Join the fun!
Sewing Machine Lab! Beginner Tote Bag
Park Grove Meeting Room, Park Grove LibraryIf you are interested in learning to sew, join us at Park Grove Library for a chance to learn the basics, even if you don't own a sewing machine. In this class, we will cover how to use a sewing machine to create a tote bag. Participants will learn the parts of the machine, how […]
AARP Free Tax Assistance
Park Grove Meeting Room, Park Grove LibraryMeet with a volunteer AARP Tax Aide at Park Grove Library who will help you prepare your income taxes for 2023 free of charge on Mondays through April 15. A limited number of spaces are available. You'll need to bring all of your financial documentation with you (W2s, 1099s, etc.). Each appointment is expected to […]
Crafty Needles
Park Grove Meeting Room, Park Grove LibraryDo you have a project you are working on that uses needles – knitting, crocheting, embroidery? Join fellow enthusiasts at the Park Grove Library on the second and fourth Mondays of the month from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. for camaraderie, inspiration, and ideas. Bring your own project supplies. Come and go as you wish. […]
Blazing Needles
Park Grove Meeting Room, Park Grove LibraryDo you have a needlework project you are working on? Join fellow enthusiasts at Park Grove Library on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. for camaraderie, inspiration, and ideas. Bring your own project supplies. Come and go as you wish. Join the fun!
VR and Open Gaming
Park Grove Meeting Room, Park Grove LibraryPlay video games at Park Grove Library! A variety of console systems will be out to play such as the Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo Switch, and the Playstation 4. The Oculus Quest VR will also be available by appointment only. You can choose from up to 23 virtual reality games including the popular Beat Saber, […]